Ad Creation

Visual representation of Topical Video
Topical Video

Visual representation of Image Video
Image Video

Visual representation of Comparison Video
Comparison Video

Visual representation of Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonials

Visual representation of Get On The Bandwagon
Get On The Bandwagon

What Is Ad Creation?

Ad creation is the iterative process of developing an ad for your target audience(s). This starts with defining the audience you would like to reach using psychographic and behaviouristic research to understand what will resonate with them and where you can reach out. At that point, it is about creating the ad in a format that will resonate, selecting the platform, designing the right messaging surrounding it, and considering the timing of where it will be placed.

Key Developments In Ad Creation

1472: The first print ad was published by Wiliam Caxton who placed them on church doors in England.

1704: The first newspaper ad was published in the U.S. as an ad for a buyer for a Long Island estate appears in the Boston News-Letter.

1835: Jared Bell makes the circus’s first billboard in the U.S.

1842: The first advertising agency comes to life. It was created by Volney B. Palmer.

1878: The first modern advertising agency comes to form as J. Walter Thompson starts storing creative and media under one company.

1892: Sears launches the first direct mail campaign.

1922: Advertising moves to the radio.

1926: John Caples recommends testing the efficacy of future ads before release.

1930: Rosser Reeves introduces the value proposition or the unique selling proposition.

1935: George Gallup introduces the idea of market research.

1941: The world’s first TV ad comes to fruition featuring a Bulova watch. Ads are off to the races at this point. If you want to read about digital advertising’s rise, click here.

Types Of Ad Creation

Topical Video

This video showcases your product and will motivate your customers to look, read, listen, or, better yet, get in touch with you.

Image Video

A confidence builder, this focuses on the qualities that you want your company to be associated with through images such as excellent customer service, social consciousness, and high-quality products.

Comparison Video

This is a video where you discuss your differentiators from your competition to help you stand out more amongst the crowd.

Customer Testimonials

These videos are centred around your customers talking about the benefits of your product and the impact it has had on their lives.

Get On The Bandwagon

This type tries to entice new customers to use your product because it’s trending or someone popular is using it.

How Does Ad Creation Help My Business?

Ad creation is essential as it is a method to provide another meaningful connection point for your customers while enhancing your brand image and overall reputation. Your customers will resonate with your brand provided you have incorporated the research tailored to them and done your due diligence. Ad creation will spread awareness of your brand to additional prospects, which will turn into future customers to grow your business. These key pieces of communication will keep your brand top of mind with your consumers to always ensure brand recognition and, most importantly, brand loyalty.

How Does LT3 ATG Implement Ad Creation?

At LT3 ATG, we have a marketing department that specializes in ad creation. We will gain a sense of your target audience, combine your research with our own to see what will resonate with them, help you with platform selection, messaging, and timing, so your customers believe that you are the ideal choice when purchasing products and services within your industry. With over 10 years of ad creation experience, we bring expertise in social media, videography, print advertising, graphic design, and more. If you are interested in kickstarting your ads, book your consultation today!

Ad Creation

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