Graphics Design

Visual representation of Infographics

Visual representation of Postcards and Flyers
Postcards and Flyers

Visual representation of Posters, Banners and Billlboards
Posters, Banners and Billlboards

Visual representation of Digital Ads
Digital Ads

Visual representation of Website Content
Website Content

What Is Graphic Design?

Think of graphic design as a method of communication where the designer will create visual content to communicate messages to the audience. However, before the visual content is created, hierarchy, layout, colour, typography, interactivity, and other design elements must be considered before the designer even starts working on the masterpiece. Therefore, planning is an essential step of any graphic design project, and depending on the project, such as user experience, certain stylistic choices have to be made.

Key Developments In Graphic Design

15,000 BC: Pictographs and symbols are made by humans. These are currently present in the Lascaux Caves in France.

105 AD: Paper was invented, which led to the concept of printing.

1045 AD: Moveable type was invented, which allowed characters to be placed for printing.

1450: Gutenberg’s first printing press was perfected and ready to print multiple books.

1760: Lithography popped up, and the first commercial printing press showed up in 1800, which reduced manual labour by 90%.

1901: Frank Lloyd Wright released the book “The Art of Craft of the Machine,” which was the foundation for basic principles for modern design. At this point, graphic design started to become more and more widespread.

1990: Tools such as Photoshop emerged to help with digital graphic design and push us into the modern age of graphic design.

Types Of Graphic Design


This visual image entices your audience utilizing a chart or a diagram to represent key information concisely and clearly. Which is appealing to your audience as it enhances retention and engages them.

Postcards and Flyers

These can be used in combination, but a postcard is meant to send mail without an envelope using a photograph or a custom illustration on one side. The flyer is a paper advertisement used widely for distribution and can be placed strategically in many places or handed out to individuals through the mail. Designing these to be eye-catching can be a challenge considering the sheer amount of these circulating at any current time.

Posters, Banners, and Billboards

Posters, banners, and billboards are temporary promotions usually put in public places for mass consumption. These will include both graphic and textual elements. How they differ is the size and placement as posters can be the smallest of the three and are relegated to walls or stands, while banners have more flexibility in their placement and can be utilized with stands or tied to hang over areas. Billboards require significant payment for their installment and are a large outdoor board that will display your advertisement. These can all be effective in your campaigns, but the employment of these tactics is highly dependent on your budget and your audience.

Digital Ads

This is the process of creating promotional material and disseminating it through online platforms such as social media, websites, and search engines. This is usually a pay-for-placement and can be segmented to the audiences you want to target based on your chosen platform.

Website Content

From a graphic perspective, this visual content attracts the reader to your site, including your logos, fonts, colour schemes and overall design elements. These have to be on point to attract your audience to the website and keep them there.

How Does Graphic Design Help My Business?

Graphic design helps your business communicate to your audience, gaining high visibility, which will lead to increased sales of your products and services. Attractive visuals and effectively communicating your ideas will enhance your credibility, retain your current customer base, and attract new business opportunities. Graphic design must be consistent with your brand’s appearance, online or offline, which will serve to enhance credibility. Graphic design is one of the many important elements of building a successful business.

How Does LT3 ATG Implement Graphic Design?

When engaging in graphic design for clients, we ensure that we take the time to plan all aspects of the visual content, how they will be implemented and most importantly, where/when they will be revealed. Our experts in graphic design will sit down with your team to discuss the goals and objectives you have to then begin working on ideation, which will be followed swiftly by creation. Whether you are looking for a new logo, new website images, a fresh face for a new application, or anything else, our design team will help you create something aesthetically pleasing that will attract more business to your door.

Graphics Design

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